In the community action output, the following activities conducted included 7 radio programmes on alcohol, tobacco and drug related harm and its effects, guided and counseled street children in stopping using alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and facilitated life skills education to community members from Maksoro, Kati, Kimandolu, Lemara, Sakina, Kijenge, Unga limited , Ngaramtoni, Themi, Kilombero market, Sombetini, Sekei, Sinon, Siwandeti, Kiranyi. Moreover, 1,378 participants (696 male & 682female).
The Youth and local communities for a healthy future-preventing alcohol and drug related harm in Arusha, Tanzania programme went well in collaboration with Local Government Authorities, NGO’s, Academic Institutions , religious denominations and communities in Arusha.
The facilitation of prevention of alcohol, tobacco and drug through life skills education is highly needed in schools primary and secondary, people with disabilities, colleges and the whole communities. The life skills programme is the solutions to a gradual behavior change related to substance abuse in the community. Community and religious leaders and activists have a great
responsibility to educate and speak openly in the community gatherings about the causes and effects of psychoactive substance and sexual violence.
With collaboration with government authorities, Blue Cross Society of Tanzania (BCST) can change the attitudes of community members about alcohol, tobacco, illicit drug consumption and gender equality. Moreover the government has to insist on execute the laws and advocate the alcohol policies and enforcement of drug laws. The beneficiaries of this life skills
programme are instrumental in changing the attitudes and actions of other communities not in the programme.